1 | 今天看来,一句老话很适合描述这一情况;“斗牛是与西班牙人与生俱在的,不看到严重的结果他们是不会罢休的。” | An old quote holds true today: "the bullfights are in the blood of the Spanish people, and they cannot be stopped without facing grave consequences" | |
2 | 金刚藤分散片对大鼠慢性盆腔炎血液流变学与病理组织形态学的影响 | Effect of Jingangteng Dispersible Tablet on Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the Blood Rheology and Pathological Histology of Rat | |
3 | 苦豆籽粕对肉仔鸡血液中B细胞及单核-巨噬细胞的影响 | Effects of Bitter Bean Seed’s Dregs on B Cell and Mφ in the Blood of Broilers | |
4 | 昆藻调脂胶囊对高脂血症脂肪肝大鼠血清和肝组织SOD及MDA含量的影响 | Effects of Kunzao Tiaozhi Capsule on the SOD Activity and the MDA Contents in the Blood Serum and Hepatic Tissue of Fatty Liver Rat with Hyperlipidemia | |
5 | 例如,患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病的病人通气降低,Pco2升高,并引起血液PH值降低, | For example, if a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hypoventilates, the pCO2 increases and causes decrease in the blood pH. | |
6 | 慢速饮酒血液中酒精含量的数学模型 | The Mathematical Modeling about the Content of Alcohol in the Blood by a Slowly Drinking Way | |
7 | 慢支咳喘宁胶囊对实验性慢性支气管炎大鼠血清中IL-2、IL-8含量的影响 | Effects of Manzhi Kechuanning Capsules on the Contents of IL-2 and IL-8 in the Blood Serum of Experimental Rats with Chronic Bronchitis | |
8 | 慢支咳喘宁胶囊对实验性慢性支气管炎大鼠血清中TNF-α和ET-1含量的影响 | Effects of Manzhi Kechuanning Capsules on the Contents of TNF-α and ET-1 in the Blood Serum of Experimental Rats with Chronic Bronchitis | |
9 | 梅毒反应毒个体血液中的一种物质,可对梅毒产生向性血清反应 | A substance present in the blood of individuals having a positive serological test for syphilis. | |
10 | 每种酶的缺乏会导致什么产物在血液和组织中累积?估计上述信息比较这写产物的相对毒性。 | What products accumulate in the blood and tissues with each type of enzyme deficiency? Estimate the relative toxicities of these products from the above information | |
11 | 免疫抑制不同时间血液及BALF中细胞成分的变化与卡氏肺孢子虫及炎性细胞反应之观察 | Observation of the Relationship between the White Cell Changes in the Blood or BALF and PCP | |
12 | 那格列奈的多晶结构与降血糖作用 | Determination of the Nateglinide Polymorphism Structure and Reduction in the Blood Glucose Level | |
13 | 尿检显示尿液中有半乳糖。为什么血液中有高水平的还原糖?为什么尿液中有半乳糖? | A urine test reveals galactose in the urine. Why is the level of reducing sugar in the blood high? Why does galactose appear in the urine? | |
14 | 脓毒病、脓血病由血液中的化脓的微生物引起的败血症,经常导致复合式脓肿的形成 | Septicemia caused by pyogenic microorganisms in the blood ,often resulting in the formation of multiple abscesses. | |
15 | 贫血是在血液里血红蛋白的浓度减少的一种病症。 | anaemia is a condition in which there is a reduced concentration of haemoglobin in the blood | |
16 | 葡萄糖一种单糖,C6H12O6,广见于大多数动植物组织。它是血液中基本的循环糖和人体等主要能量来源 | A monosaccharide sugar,C6H12O6,occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue.It is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. | |
17 | 其中一种为抗毒素,可中和某些细菌产生的毒素。另外一种类型抗体,凝集素,使一些细菌在血液中凝块。 | One kind, the antitoxins, neutralizes poisons produced by certain bacteria. another type of antibody, the agglutinins, causes some bacteria to clump together in the blood . | |
18 | 迄今,医生一直试用低脂肪饮食来降低血液中的胆固醇。 | Heretofore, doctors have tried low fat diets to reduce the cholesterol in the blood . | |
19 | 蔷薇红景天萃取物能降低血中C反应蛋白和肌酸酐激酶浓度 | Extract of Rhodiola Rosea Radix Reduces the Level of C-Reactive Protein and Creatinine Kinase in the Blood | |
20 | 人的体温是靠消耗血液中的糖份来维持的。 | Our bodies are heated by the consumption of sugar in the blood . | |
21 | 人体血清中葡萄糖浓度的近红外光谱分析 | Analysis of Glucose Concentration in the Blood Serum by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | |
22 | 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力胜过黑巧克力,你最好还是改变一下。黑巧克力能够提高血液中抗氧化剂的含量,有助于预防心脏病,而白巧克力则不能。 | you favor those milk chocolate Bon-Bons over the dark variety, you might be better off switching. Eating dark chocolate--but not milk chocolate--raises levels of antioxidant in the blood , which could help protect against heart disease. | |
23 | 如今,有实验表明,终日抑郁的心情会在血液中产生某些叫做破坏素的毒素,正如愉快和欢乐的心情会产生叫做生长素的有益化学物质一般。 | Now, it has been shown experimentally that a constantly subdued frame of mind produces certain poisons in the blood , called katastates, just as virtuous feelings of pleasure and delight produce helpful chemicals called anastates. | |
24 | 乳糜微粒在血液和淋巴液中发现的乳化脂肪的细小颗粒,在脂肪的消化过程中生成 | One of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat found in the blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats. | |
25 | 锁骨下动脉盗血的椎动脉和桡动脉血流分析 | Analysis in the Blood Flow of Vertebral and Radial Artery in Subclavian Steal | |
26 | 它也可以将血液里的糖份转化为电以支持人体里的某些医学装置。 | Other ideas include using sugar in the blood to run medical devices in the human body. | |
27 | 突发性聋患者血清AT-Ⅲ、PAI-1的检测及其临床意义 | Changes of AT-Ⅲ and PAI-1 in the Blood of Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss | |
28 | 我家里的人大都擅长音乐,是世传. | Most of my family are musicians;it runs in the blood . | |
29 | 我们可以在血液中寻找3种蛋白质。蛋白质是糖尿病的早期征兆。检查可表明哪些孩子今后2~3年间有95%的可能患糖尿病. | We can look for three proteins in the blood . Proteins are early signs of diabetes. The test can tell which children have a 95% chance of developing the disease within two to three years. | |
30 | 我们无法感觉到动脉血管内血压的变化。 | We couldn’t feel the changes in the blood pressure within the artery. |